Electronic Data Capture (EDC) systems are increasingly crucial to successful trial execution—but one should ensure that you choose one that brings with it maximum advantages.

Today, the majority of clinical trials use an  InForm EDC solution, as its helps ensure the data is clean, improves efficiency and provides real-time access to vital data. This increased efficiency often contributes to lower costs and shorter timelines—an attractive prospect in today’s competitive, complex and costly environment. But not all EDC systems are created equal. Cloud-based EDC Platforms provide a plethora of benefits and superior functionality not found in server-based systems.

See the video on how to assess and lock sites or an entire trial in minutes

The advantages of a cloud-based EDC system

Cloud-based EDC systems are updated instantly, as opposed to server-based EDC systems which rely on software that can quickly become outdated and can’t accommodate modern demands, such as mobile access. Server-based EDC systems are often less user-friendly and harder to scale. If you’re not satisfied with your EDC system’s usability and internal quality checks, you’ll likely experience errors that will slow you down and cause frustration. EDC solutions are supposed to improve efficiency, not complicate processes!

As a cloud-based EDC solution, Oracle InForm system is often simpler to use, and certainly easier to scale. You can collect data from multiple sources and complete quick and accurate analysis and submissions without compromising validity. You can also access study data from almost any web-based device. Software is updated regularly, improving performance and reliability.

The benefits of InForm 6 EDC

The Oracle Health Science InForm™ 6 EDC is a market leader, bringing ease to clinical data collection, aggregation and analytics. It has more successful submissions to the FDA than any other system and has been used in over 3,000 trials worldwide. InForm drives efficiency throughout the entire Clinical Data Management process—right up to submission with fully compliant CDISC SDTM exports and data summary and reconciliation reports developed in a Cooperative Research and Development Agreement with the FDA.

The platform’s flexible architecture makes it easy to implement and scale. Using InForm helps reduce costs and free up time for members of your organization. Robust reporting at your fingertips allows you to make fast, informed decisions and run your clinical study with confidence. Bottom line, you’ll shorten clinical trial timelines, lower costs and reduce risk with advanced data capture and query management features, producing real-time access to quality data and integrated workflows.

One area often ignored is site engagement and satisfaction, that means providing the tools and systems that enable efficient and effective clinical trial conduct. InForm is ranked #1 by Sites worldwide:

“According to a 2012 global survey by a top 3 CRO, sites around the world ranked InForm #1 for satisfaction and preference. In their words, “Oracle InForm stands alone as the most used EDC system in all regions and the most preferred.”

The InForm EDC system also allows for targeted source data verification down to the item level, and comprehensive visibility into all trial data with rich, real-time, Web-based reporting options. You can also rest assured that your Clinical Trial Management System is secure, because Oracle and eclipse rely on stringent security practices and continually update their software and safety procedures. Unlike other cloud-based EDC systems which depend on third-party clouds, the Oracle Health Sciences Cloud offers multiple hosting centers and is completely owned and managed by Oracle, further guaranteeing that your data is secure.

When considering an EDC solution, be sure to choose an option with a proven track record—one that will improve your clinical data management processes by relying on cutting-edge technology and unrivaled usability, reporting and security features.


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