Patient Recruitment Services

Tailored Solutions: Sponsors & Sites

We provide tailored solutions for both sponsors and research sites. Our Sponsor Solutions streamline trial management, ensuring efficiency and compliance. Meanwhile, our Site Solutions empower research sites with the tools they need to excel. Let us transform your clinical research experience.

Sponsor Patient Recruitment

It’s becoming more challenging to hit enrollment targets for clinical trials due to competition from other clinical trials, physician engagement, inaccurate assessment of eligible patients, and perceived administrative burdens by the healthcare providers…

Revolutionizing Clinical Trials with EHR Integration

At Eclipse Clinical Technology, we’re revolutionizing the clinical trial landscape through the seamless integration with Electronic Health Records (EHR). This integration transforms the way patient information is managed, resulting in streamlined processes…

Eclipse™ integration services enable the sharing of processes and business data between multiple clinical technology applications. Whether it is an on-premise or cloud application, Eclipse will transform and orchestrate the data required for business workflows. These integrations address several business needs and can be anything from EDC and Coding applications to EHR / EMR platforms to pharmacovigilance or safety systems.

The Eclipse Clinincal Technology Metasite in Action.

Optimizing Patient Recruitment
A Data-Driven Approach to Site Selection...
Top 3 Site Selection Missteps
Data-driven Site Selection that Avoids Delays and Cost Overruns...
Eclipse receives Phase I funding to develop a framework of new technologies which enable the remote diagnosis of visual, CT, US and XRAY images.
Eclipse, a clinical technology provider of healthcare software solutions, received a...

Elevate Your Trials with Eclipse

Reach out today to learn how Eclipse™ Clinical Integration can elevate your clinical trials.