InForm Data Viewer is part of the Oracle Health Sciences Clinical R &D Cloud Platform. Using the Data Viewer, you can easily collect and manage the increasing volume, velocity, and variety of today’s clinical trial data.
InForm’s Data Viewer feature gives you real-time, 24/7, actionable visibility into your trial data with a single click. For use in internal or outsourced trials, team members can instantly review and manage clinical data across visits and sites. It has a built-in export to Excel on every screen, easily filterable by Site, Subject, Visit, or data status. You can also immediately identify and filter on data that is new or updated since a previous review. There’s no waiting for reports to be generated, and no need to rely on someone with programming expertise to mine the data. Data Viewer provides actionable data that allows you to drill down, navigate through the various forms, and perform actions instantaneously.
InForm also provides customizable review workflows so you can track and review progress with definable CRF states. Seamlessly integrated with Data Viewer, this feature allows you to create custom workflows to track the review progress for the study. One example would be a “Medical Review.” You can automate the review process to track and take direct action, such as locking the data marked “Medical Review “ that has been reviewed. This can help to simplify collaboration and communication between sponsors and CROs – significantly improving productivity and efficiency.
Below are four types of views in the Data Viewer:
• Summary View -Provides summary data counts across multiple form types, grouped by visits or sites
• Record Listing View -Provides a display of clinical data per form that can span across sites, subjects, and visits or provides a display of data from multiple clinical forms in one view
• Record Comparison View -Provides a side-by-side comparison of two record listing views
• Comments View -Provides a list of form and item comments for all sites, visits, and forms
The user interface for each view uses the same toolbar, filter, pagination, and column customization features.
Also to be noted is that the Data Viewer does support blinded data and display overrides. Data that is blinded to the user does not appear in any of the Data Viewers views.
Study closeout is another area where Data Viewer can assist with a more rapid database lock and with far less manual effort. Close out teams can assess and lock a site, multiple sites, or even an entire trial in a matter of minutes simply through the process of selecting, locking, and confirming through the Data Viewer tool. This significantly reduces trial cost by accelerating study closeout, eliminating redundant queries and saving time and effort checking the system against multiple spreadsheets. This can also lower trial risk through real-time, actionable visibility to the trial data and by also minimizing data errors.
Data access should always be a deciding factor when selecting EDC software. Fast and uncomplicated access is the key to a more efficient system, team satisfaction and superior data visibility. In this way, the Data Viewer benefits our customers through reduction of clinical trial cycle times, real-time visibility into trial data and elimination of manual reporting, giving your team the ability to instantly review and sort through clinical data from all visits and sites without any programming needs.
For a demo of the Data Viewer tool, please contact- Morgan Fowler, Client Engagement Specialist at

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